About: Group Training Gym
Website: https://resoluteresistance.com.au
Phone: +61 432 228 604
Email: info@resoluteresistance.com.au
Address: 2/185 Mornington-Tyabb Road, Mornington 3931
Resolute Resistance is a group training gym based in Mornington, Victoria. Membership is capped to ensure you get a personalised training experience. Our training style prioritises resistance training with just the right amount of cardio to support general fitness and support body composition goals. We take a holistic approach to health and fitness and are here to help you achieve sustainable results.
Resolute Resistance is for all fitness levels! It is for people who want to look and feel healthier, fitter and stronger. We have a crèche located on site which is available use / staffed during our 9:15am and 10:15am classes.