College Board | Flinders Christian Community College
Timothy Meyers - Chair

Timothy Meyers is currently the Executive Principal/CEO of Eastern College Australia and Melbourne School of Theology.

Prior to taking up his current role, Tim was the CEO, and the Associate International Director of Pioneers, a not-for-profit Christian organisation operating in over 25 countries.

Timothy is a qualified school teacher, with degrees in Education and Theology.

Matthew Harridge - Vice-Chair

Matthew joined the Flinders Christian Community College Board of Governance in 2012. He held the position of Secretary from 2017 - 2019 and the position of Interim Chair from December 2019 to July 2020.

Matthew has over 20 years experience in traffic engineering and transport planning acquired in both the public and private sectors. Matthew was appointed a Director of O’Brien Traffic in 2013.

Matthew is also Chair of Veta Youth, Vice Chair of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (Aus and NZ) and Associate Company Secretary of Engineers Without Borders Australia.

Matthew's qualifications include Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with Honours, Bachelor of Science (Geology) and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Maggie Prentice - Treasurer

Maggie is a qualified Chartered Accountant and has over 20 years experience in accounting in Germany and Australia. She is the Managing Director at PIA Services, a boutique accounting firm that services international corporations with a presence in Australia.

Maggie and PIA have been supporting local non-for-profit organisations by volunteering all of their staff members.

Maggie is also a director of various subsidiaries of her clients and is responsible for the overview of their local accounting and related compliance.

Maggie Prentice moved to Australia more than 15 years ago.

Maggie’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Commerce, Certified IRFS Accountant as well as Graduate Diploma of Accounting with CAANZ.

Rebecca Jardine - Secretary

Rebecca Jardine is Assistant Director for Office Services at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, leading teams to deliver frontline human resources services and property management.

With 20 years of public sector experience, Rebecca's strengths are in fast-paced operational leadership, risk management, work health and safety, and workplace training. In addition to the Board of Flinders, Rebecca is Chair of the Risk and Compliance sub-committee, and a past Trustee and governance officer for not for profit organisations in overseas development and the creative arts.

Rebecca’s qualifications include a Master of Leadership (Australian College of Ministries) and graduate qualifications in statistical analysis and management. She is currently studying towards a Master of Business Administration (Griffith University).

Brad Buchanan

Brad Buchanan is currently the sales director and a senior leadership team member for signage company AFI Branding - a manufacturing company employing 50 people, and part of the WPP AUNZ group who employ over 5,000 people across Australia and New Zealand.

Over the last 27 years Brad's experience has spanned, youth work (6 years), church leadership (10+ years) and school chaplaincy concurrent (5 years), management and executive leadership (13 years).

Along with this work experience, Brad has the following qualifications; Bachelor of Business Management, Monash University; Graduate Diploma in Education and Training, Melbourne University; and Masters of Business Administration, Australian Institute of Management.

Stuart Campbell

Stuart is currently the Acting CEO for Churches of Christ Financial Services Ltd, a charitable development fund based in Melbourne. During his career, Stuart has worked in a range of management positions with NAB covering credit, corporate and business banking and as a coach and consultant to the SME sector.

He has Bachelor’s Degree in Business (Banking & Finance) and a Master of Marketing, both at Monash University and postgraduate studies in Applied Finance. Fellow, FinSIA (Financial Services Institute of Australasia) and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Stuart is married with 3 adult children and is a former board member of several other not-for-profit organisations including ACS Financial, Youth Alive, Bayside Church and Bayside Community Care.

Frank Hoogenraad

Frank is married to Jacquie Hoogenraad, they have 5 children and 13 grandchildren.

Frank has worked at Ford Motor Company, Systems Analyst 1967 – 1970; Monash University, Organisation & Methods Officer 1970 – 1977; and Hoogies Hardware PL, Founder/Managing Director 1978 – 2012 Consultant 2012 – present.

Frank was Convener of the Diamond Valley Association for Parent-Controlled Christian Schools (Plenty Valley Christian College), and Founding Chair, 1970 – 1980, Director , Mount Evelyn Christian School, 1980 – 1987; Board Member, Flinders Christian Community College, 2011 – present; He volunteers as a Careline Inc, Telephone Counsellor, 2017 – present.

Frank’s qualifications include GAICD, Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Rob Fellows

Rob is currently a Director of the Payton Foundation having spent over 10 years as a Director and Board member of Payton Capital.

Originally qualified as a property valuer Rob transitioned into funds management and has been a property professional for over 40 years.

He is passionate about faith, education, philanthropy, and family.