From our Head of Secondary

I recall watching a skit at a Christmas service many years ago. The scene was Bethlehem, and Mary had just given birth to baby Jesus - the Messiah. A couple of reporters were on site to capture the moment. They had interviewed Mary and Joseph and now wanted a photo of this auspicious occasion. So, the reporters started to frame the shot - Mary and Joseph and Jesus in the manger. Then they asked the shepherds to stand around the back. They brought the three wise men into front with their gifts. They try to position the sheep, the cows and the ox around the edge of the scene. And as they do this, others arrive to be in the photo. At this point, the skit becomes even more ridiculous, with a Salvation Army Band arriving at the stable, a kids basketball team, some carol singers, a couple of shop assistants selling Christmas gifts and even Father Christmas. The reporters are struggling to get everyone in the shot. It has become very crowded in the stable and something must give. The final lines of the play read:
Look, I know I'm a nuisance, but it's masking the ox.
Could somebody shift out that dirty old box?
Yeah, in the middle of the scene it's a bit of a danger.
A nuisance, a hazard.
I saw this skit about 30 years ago, and it has left a lasting impression on me. While the skit writers took some liberties with the true Christmas story, the meaning behind the skit was obvious to me. Christmas is busy. There is much that demands our attention and our time. And before we know it, the whole reason we celebrate Christmas seems to get in the way of our busy lives, and we can be guilty of saying 'Away with the Manager'. As we conclude the academic year and head into December, I pray that you will remember why we celebrate Christmas. Remember that " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16). What an amazing gift. If you need to remind yourself of this incredible act of love, read Matthew Chapter 1 and 2.
This Christmas, make more time for friends, make more time for family and make more time for Jesus. I encourage you to find a place of worship to attend on Christmas Day, to celebrate the birth of Jesus. I pray that you have safe and blessed Christmas.
Mark Hamilton
Head of Secondary